Despite the apology from Apple's disclosure and the immediate availability of affordable battery-changing applications (according to personal interviews), the company's case is growing day by day. Finally, consumer law firm Hagens Berman joined the case.
Hagens Berman, who sued big tech companies, argued that the company slowed the iPhone "under load" and "deliberately". On the other hand, Hagens Berman sued Apple for iBooks for $ 450 million.
Hagens Berman filed a lawsuit yesterday in the North District of California, claiming that Apple is trying to "cover up" because of pressure and consumer reactions to old iPhones slowing and growing. The law firm claimed that Apple had previously slowed down the dam and that consumers did not know and did not accept it. In the case filed by the Apple case,
Apple moved with sanity. Humorists knew or agreed to Apple's decision to slow down their own devices.
Apple's actions provide limited options and information to consumers. Many consumers will likely believe that iPhone has performance problems and new iPhones. Of course, most of the affected iPhones also bought $ 79.
As a result, Hagens Berman blames Apple for unfair competition and unjust enrichment. Hagens Berman wants compensation for battery areas, new iPhones and consumers who are injured because of the case's slowdown.
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